Here is a poem I wrote. I hope the one person who reads my blog enjoys.
Dripping into our veins from a society driving iv is the conformity of wanting and needing all that's in our path. Is this what society really wants to make of itself? Or has it been beating down enough to just surrender its hope? As we go through our lives living off this iv, we just sit back and go " We are Happy" when on the inside our spirit screams and tears at us for release. How can we break this bond? How is something so ingrained into our mind be broken? As some of these few people who see this iv dripping this poison into our system we contemplate ways of breaking it. But on the outside of our ever continuing play we put on in our mind, we stop ourselves not wanting to stop this steady of our so dearly loved poison. When will we stop it? It will stop when the few who notice it come to a conclusion that self want and happiness is accomplished in
Dripping into our veins from a society driving iv is the conformity of wanting and needing all that's in our path. Is this what society really wants to make of itself? Or has it been beating down enough to just surrender its hope? As we go through our lives living off this iv, we just sit back and go " We are Happy" when on the inside our spirit screams and tears at us for release. How can we break this bond? How is something so ingrained into our mind be broken? As some of these few people who see this iv dripping this poison into our system we contemplate ways of breaking it. But on the outside of our ever continuing play we put on in our mind, we stop ourselves not wanting to stop this steady of our so dearly loved poison. When will we stop it? It will stop when the few who notice it come to a conclusion that self want and happiness is accomplished in