Monday, January 29, 2007

Drunken Stupidity

Okay, so I am a little lost on this drunken stupditiy we wittness. I just do not understand the thinking or lack there of that goes behind it. Yes I do get it that people want to drink and have fun; that is very understandable, but its the body function of puking and how people go about it that I lose my understanding of it all. Usually how it works it some person drinks, too a point of nice inebreation or if they are one of the unlucky; too a point of passing out early or vomiting all stomach contents from earlier. Which is fine and dandy some people just can't handle it; what ever thats the body they are stuck with. Me on the other hand can handle my liquir enough to have a good times. But what really ticks me off the most is people who do need to vomit, using other things OTHER THEN A FREAKING TOILET. God is it that hard to comprehend this neat invention we use for many bodily functions. So if you are at a bush party or some were that you have for sakenly come across and the only place you have too puke is not a toilet; fine get it over with and move foward. But I guess I am just that smrt to understand that if you have to ei: dry heave,vomit or other such things and a toilet is either 5 feet or less away and you decide that a chair or a sink is a better option; that I fail to comprehend the thought or sight it takes a full blown idiot to use these places. I just fail to grasp at this logic. Its a freaking toilet it leaves little mess and is very user friendly, even for drunks. Yes if you are in a bar the space thing will be bigger, but it is still not hard to make it too a toilet. It really fucking pisses me off when drunks decide its a good idea to dry heave or generally vomit in a pulbic area for everyone to hear or see. This is my very first rant, so comments are welcomed.